The History of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs have a long and interesting history ranging from ancient Rome and Greece to a brief eradication in the middle of the 1900s to making a major comeback in the modern day. Sometimes to get rid of a bug, you have to think like a bug. That’s why we’re dedicating this page to sharing some fascinating information about bed bugs. Keep reading to learn more!
On this page, you’ll find the answers to these common bed bug questions:
Do bed bugs spread disease?
Are bed bugs only found in dirty places?
Why are bed bugs so hard to get rid of?
How can I prevent bed bugs?
Are bed bugs only found in beds?
Do bed bugs smell like anything?
How fast do bed bugs multiply?
How do I know if I have bed bug bites or bites from another pest?
Who offers bed bug heat treatment near me?
And more!