mice exterminator

Home Pest Control in Sacramento and Wildlife in Your Home

By Joe Hawkins / December 31, 2019

Keep Wildlife Out of Your Sacramento Home! Mice, raccoons and squirrels are sure cute when they are outdoors minding their own business, but should they manage to find a way inside your home, they suddenly become much less adorable. Wild animals, while cute and admirable, are known for their destructive behavior once inside your home.…

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Ant Control for your commercial business in sacramento

Tips for Commercial Pest Control in Sacramento

By Joe Hawkins / December 19, 2019

Keep Your Sacramento Business Pest-Free with These Tips Dealing with pests in your home is one thing. It’s a personal challenge for you and your family when rodents or insects take control of your space. But when you own and operate your own business, a pest control problem not only affects you, it affects your…

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Types of Spring Cleaning That Can Help Reduce Pests

By Joe Hawkins / May 16, 2019

Spring Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Sacramento Home Pest-Free The team at Earthwise Pest Management loves being able to provide quality pest control services to homeowners and business owners alike. We strive to remove pests in a safe manner that still yields long-term results for our clients. One of the many things that we stand…

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Insects That Are Endangered

By Joe Hawkins / March 3, 2019

Protecting Our Valuable Pollinators and Decomposers In recent months, there has been a lot of news surrounding the bees and how they have officially been listed as endangered. For many of us, it’s a tough thing to wrap our minds around given that these insects are such crucial parts to our food source and plant…

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Popular Spring Insects

Popular Spring Insects

By Joe Hawkins / February 27, 2019

Common Winter Pests in Sacramento Spring is just a few short weeks away, and with it comes the return of pests. Here in Sacramento, there are certain insects that are known for coming back around in the springtime. Now that we are going to be seeing more of them, it’s good to know which pests…

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Insects Believed to Be Good Luck

By Joe Hawkins / February 23, 2019

Lucky Bugs: Insects That Bring Good Fortune We’ve been taking a different perspective on bugs, and today’s blog is going to continue down that same path. We’ve talked a little bit about countries that view bugs as a tasty treat and a few bugs that make for great pets. Today we are going to talk…

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What to Anticipate When Figuring the Cost of Your Sacramento Pest Control Services

What to Anticipate When Figuring the Cost of Your Sacramento Pest Control Services

By Joe Hawkins / February 2, 2019

The True Cost of Pest Control: What to Expect in Sacramento Having to deal with pests in your home or commercial building is less than ideal. While you may want to opt for the more affordable DIY methods that promise a pest-free home, there are so many reasons that you should not settle for poor…

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Common DIY Pest Control Myths Debunked

Common DIY Pest Control Myths Debunked

By Joe Hawkins / January 30, 2019

The Truth About DIY Pest Control: Why It Often Fails If you’re someone that loves to tackle your problems on your own, then you’re likely the same way with your pest control. With access to the internet, you can pretty much tackle any problem that comes your way. Simply type it into Google, and you’ll…

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Create a Space Where Bumble Bees Thrive

Create a Space Where Bumble Bees Thrive

By Joe Hawkins / January 16, 2019

Tips for Protecting Endangered Pollinators In the last week, bees have formally been listed as an endangered animal for the first time. With over 20,000 different species of bees, it’s truly heartbreaking to hear that these insects are endangered. From the pollination that they provide to flowers to the honey that they create, there are…

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New Years Resolutions to Help Reduce Pests

New Year’s Resolutions to Help Reduce Pests

By Joe Hawkins / January 2, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions for a Pest-Free Home in Sacramento The new year has just begun, which means that it’s time to create resolutions and determine in which areas of your life you want to work on improving. While many feel that resolutions are designed for weight loss and finances, that’s not the case. Creating intentions…

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